Biogas Renewable Generation Project

Biogas Renewable Generation Project

Tmpjduogrzcklxuypexg pic for biogas site homepage



Click here to view the Notice of Intent to issue permits to construct and operate and of proposed initial title v permit persuant to rules 212 and 3006.




Click here to view the Final EIR published on August 2, 2021.

The Biogas Renewable Generation Project will generate approximately 12 megawatts of renewable energy for the City of Glendale on a two-acre portion of the City landfill. The Project will beneficially utilize the naturally recurring landfill gas locally without having to transport the gas offsite. This naturally occurring renewable fuel will generate electric energy for local consumption. Click here to watch our project video, and learn more about its benefits to Glendale.   

Click here to take a virtual tour of the Scholl Canyon Landfill and the projected Biogas Renewable Generation Project site. 

On November 30, 2021, the Glendale City Council took the following actions relating to the Biogas Renewable Generation Project to be located at 3001 Scholl Canyon Road (vehicular access via 7721 North Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA 90041):

  1. Certified the Final Environmental Impact Report and approved the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
  2. Approved the Conditional Use Permit No. PCUP 2012782, and the Special Recreation Review No. PSRZDR 2012781

Click here to watch the City Council Meeting on November 30, 2021.  




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The proposed Biogas Renewable Generation Project is located within the boundaries of the existing landfill site at 3001 Scholl Canyon Road, Glendale California, 91206. Regional access to the site is from the Ventura Freeway (State Route 134) at the Figueroa Street exit.



Construction of the proposed project will occur over a course of approximately 15 to 18 months through implementation of approximately three phases of development.

Phase I – Demolition and Removal of Existing Equipment. Phase I will be implemented over four to five months and it will entail demolition and removal of existing equipment from the site to make room for the new power plant.

Phase II – Site Grading and Construction. Phase II will begin after Phase I is completed and will be implemented over the next nine to ten months.

◾ A new 60,000 gallon storage water tank will be constructed to provide fire protection water for the Project. 

◾This phase will also entail building concrete foundations, delivering and installing electrical generating equipment located within individual enclosures, compressors, landfill gas and condensate conditioning and treatment systems, electrical switchgear and other equipment and construction materials required to build the power plant.

◾A single, less than 1,000 square ft. storage building and a less than 1,000 square ft. office will be constructed. Pipes, conduits, and wires will be delivered and installed. A security and fire protection system will also be installed.

Phase III – System Startup. Phase III will begin after Phase II is completed and will be implemented over the next two to three months.

◾Phase III will entail such work activities as sandblasting, priming and painting the facility, delivery of consumables and verifying the operational capabilities of all systems required to make the facility safe and operational.

◾ After all the systems have been checked out for safe operations, the facility will be turned over to Glendale Water and Power operators to commence producing clean, reliable, and renewable electricity for the residents of Glendale. 

Demolition Plan

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To make room for the Proposed Project, the existing landfill gas processing facility which conveys landfill gas to the Grayson Power Plant will be dismantled and removed.The existing concrete foundations and existing asphalt roads would also be demolished. 

Project Benefits


The Project has the following benefits:

  • Provide beneficial use of naturally occurring landfill gas as fuel for power generating equipment.
  • Utilize the renewable biogas energy resource to help the City of Glendale meet its California mandated Renewable Portfolio Standards requirements.
  • Located within an existing disturbed area within the boundary of the landfill. 
  • Use of the existing transmission system to deliver generated electricity into the electrical grid without a need for transmission facility upgrades.
  • The existing landfill gas pipeline from the landfill site to the Grayson Power Plant will be abandoned thereby eliminating the pipeline that runs through residential communities and eliminating long-term maintenance costs associated with use of the pipeline. 






IS/MND Comment Review Period

August 30, 2017 – November 9, 2017


Submitted Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) to State Clearinghouse, LA County Clerk, and sent Notice of Intent letter to local stakeholders and community.

August 30, 2017


 Notice of Availability of Initial Study/ Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND)posted in local newspaper

August 30, 2017


Application to City of Glendale Planning Department  Submitted

July 31, 2017


City qualifies four EPC contractors to be able to submit Proposal to Engineer, Procure and Construct the balance of plant:

  1. ABB/SCS Energy
  2. DCO Energy/Cornerstone-Tetra Tech
  3. Landfill Gas Technologies/Curington
  4. MasTech Power/Vanderweil Power

October 2, 2017


City receives response to RFQ  

July 28, 2017


RFQ Response Deadline 2:00 P.M. PST

July 28, 2017


City issues Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to Proposers to Engineer, Procure, and Construct  the balance of plant

June 14, 2017


City Council authorized to award contract to purchase Power Island and Major Equipment to Western Energy Systems

June 13, 2017


Planning Commission Hearing to consider adopting MND March 31, 2018 Completed
Contract executed with consultant to prepare EIR February 7, 2019 Completed
Initial Study/Notice of Preparation of EIR/Public Scoping Meeting  March, 2019 - April, 2019


Draft EIR Preparation April, 2019 - September, 2019 Completed
Draft EIR Public Comment Period September, 2019 - November, 2019 Completed
Response to Draft EIR Public Comments January, 2019


Presentation of Draft EIR to Planning Commission for Certification February, 2020


Sustainability Commission  & GWP Commission Joint Speciial Meeting September 2, 2021 Completed
City Council Certification of EIR for the Scholl Canyon Landfill Biogas Renewable Generation Project (Biogas Project) and approval of the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) and Special Recreation (SR) Permit November 30, 2021 Completed
GWP's Owner's Engineer, Worley Group Inc. (Worley), undertook the RFQ and the subsequent RFP process to identify the most overall qualified EPC contractor in terms of price and technical competence. January 2022 Completed
Staff presentation to City Council to execute amendment #1. Full notice to proceed for the second and final phase of the Biogas project. September 20, 2022 Completed
Community Open House for the Scholl Canyon Biogas Renewable Generation Project November 30, 2022 Completed


Major Equipment & Systems


The Proposed Project would be located adjacent to the existing landfill gas blowers and standby flares that would include the following major equipment and systems:

• Landfill gas compressors to increase the landfill gas pressure from near atmospheric to the pressures required by the landfill gas treatment system and electrical generation equipment.

• Landfill gas conditioning system to prevent damage to the electrical generation equipment, and will consist of vessels, coolers, heat exchangers and control systems, designed to remove moisture and unwanted constituents from the landfill gas, which includes a new flare.

• Condensate treatment system to allow collected condensate to comply with the City of Glendale's Industrial Waste Discharge Permit prior to disposing the condensate into existing sewer system.

• Electrical generating equipment consisting of reciprocating engine generators to produce electricity using the landfill gas as fuel. The electrical generating equipment will be self-contained and located in individual enclosures.

• Combustion exhaust gas cleanup system and emmission monitoring system to comply with South Coast Air Quality Management District regulations, consisting of reactive catalyst using 19% Aqueous Ammonia as reactant to minimize emissions of nitrogen oxides.

• Electrical interconnection system to allow interconnection to the existing City electrical system.

• Small office and small storage building, less than 1,000 square feet each, required for operating and maintaining the Proposed Project.

• Fire protection and safety system to comply with National Fire Protection Association and Glendale Fire Department requirements.

• A new 60,000-gallon water fire tank would be constructed to provide water for fire protection.

• Area lighting, fencing, and security system would be provided for safety and security.

Project Elements

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The Biogas Renewable Generation Project includes an approximately three-acre site which landfill gas would be received, conditioned, and combusted in reciprocating engines to produce approximately twelve megawatts of renewable electricity.

The Project includes an approximately two-thirds of a mile of natural gas pipeline to connect the power generation facility to the existing Southern California Gas Company pipeline system located at the eastern end of Scholl Canyon Drive. This natural gas pipeline would be utilized to augment the landfill gas when the heat content of the landfill gas falls below necessary operating limits for the electrical generating equipment. Up to 10% of the total energy consumed by the engines will come from natural gas, the remaining 90% of the energy will come from landfill gas. 

The energy produced from the Poject will be integrated into the City's power delivery system utilizing the existing electric system connected to the Scholl Substation. 

Project Overview

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The Biogas Renewable Generation Project is located at an existing Class II nonhazardous landfill that has been accepting waste since the 1960’s. This waste is naturally decomposing and producing landfill gas that is combustible and can be put to beneficial use.

Currently, the landfill gas is collected at a central location within the Project site where it is compressed and liquids are removed. The landfill gas was sent to the Grayson Power Plant via an underground dedicated pipeline approximately five-miles in length where it was blended with natural gas and used as fuel in the boilers to make steam to generate electricity for the City of Glendale. The process has now ceased because the burning of the gas has proven to be more detrimental to the air quality and the environment, which is why we are proposing a replacement (not new) methane control system at Scholl which is a much better environmental control measure to eliminate methane that is naturally occurring at the landfill.

The Grayson Power Plant is being repowered (see websiteand the new electric generation equipment is incompatible with the use of landfill gas as fuel. Therefore, the only two options available would be to dispose the landfill gas by incinerating it in a flare, or utilize it for beneficial use by consuming it as fuel for the generation of local renewable electricity as proposed by this Project.

Landfill gas is considered a renewable energy resource. 100 percent of the electricity generated by this Project will help the City of Glendale achieve the State of California mandated use of renewable energy. The City will produce and receive 100 percent renewable energy credits, by installing new generation units that can directly utilize the landfill gas at the Project site. Combusting and producing electricity at the Project site will enable the City of Glendale to decommission an approximately five-mile pipeline between the Project site and the Grayson Power Plant.  



Past Meetings

June 13, 2017
City Council meeting to recommend award of Contract for the Sale for the Power Island Major Equipment and Services for the Proposed Biogas Renewable Generation Project to Convert the Landfill Gas to Energy and the Issuance of a Limited Notice to Proceed to Western Energy Systems, a Division of Penn Detroit Diesel Allison, LLC, and Approval of Alternative Project Delivery Method for the Proposed Power Project.


Council Chamber, City Hall, 613 E. Broadway, 2nd Floor Glendale, CA 91201


6:00 p.m. 



April 4, 2019
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Scoping Meetings

Police Community Room, 131 N. Isabel St., Glendale, CA 91206

1st meeting - 2:00 p.m.
2nd meeting - 6:00 p.m.




October 6, 2021
Notice of Intent to Certify the Final EIR and Approve a Conditional Use Permit for the Proposed Biogas Renewable Generation Project

Council Chamber, City Hall, 613 E. Broadway, 2nd Floor Glendale, CA 91201
Not open to public due to COVID-19 health recommendations from LA County Health Department.

The meeting will begin at 5:00 PM and can be viewed on Charter Cable Channel 6 or streamed here. For public comments and questions during the meeting, call (818) 937-8100.

Community Open House For the
Scholl Canyon Biogas Renewable Generation Project

Join us on Wednesday, November 30, 2022 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Glendale Civic Auditorium (1401 N. Verdugo Rd. Glendale CA 91208) to learn about the Scholl Canyon Biogas Renewable Generation Project that will generate approximately 11 megawatts net of renewable energy for City of Glendale.

Arrive anytime between 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. to visit one-on-one with City staff and project team, who will be available to provide information and to answer questions about the project. Free parking is available.  


January 24, 2023
Scholl Canyon Landfill Biogas Renewable Generation Meeting to Issue FNTP

613 E. Broadway, Suite 200
Glendale, CA 91206


June 7, 2023

Notice of Intent to Issue Permits to Construct and Operate, and of proposed initial title v permit pursuant to rules 212 and 3006. Click here to view the Notice of Intent.

South Coast AQMD Public Consultation Meeting via Zoom
      Zoom Information: 
Join the Zoom Webinar from PC or Laptop at   
                                                     or by using
      Zoom Meeting ID: 918 5032 5007.

Written comments shall be submitted to:
South Coast Air Quality Management District
Engineering & Permitting
21865 Copley Drive
Diamond Bar, CA 91765-4178
Attention: Angela Shibata, Senior Air Quality Engineering Manager


What is biogas ?

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Biogas is a natural byproduct of the decomposition of organic material in landfills. Biogas is composed of methane (the primary component of natural gas), carbon dioxide, hydrogen, oxygen, and small amounts of other compounds. If this biogas is not captured and disposed of properly it will disseminate into the atmosphere and contribute to detrimental greenhouse gas effects. The normal method of disposal of this biogas is to collect and incinerate it in a flare. The City proposes to collect this same gas and develop the Biogas Renewable Generation Project to beneficially utilize the gas as fuel for internal combustion engines to generate electricity for the benefit of the local community.



EPC RFQ Addendum 1




Biogas EIR RFP



Click here to download the Request For Proposal

Click here to download the Professional Services Agreement

Click here to download the Insurance Requirements Exhibit


Proposers shall submit four (4) hard copies and one (1) separate CD/DVD containing the Proposal in a PDF file format to the following address:

Glendale Water and Power
141 N Glendale Ave., 4th Floor
Glendale, CA 91206
Attn: Maurice Oillataguerre

Proposals are due no later than 4:00 pm Pacific Time, September 7, 2018. Proposals received after the deadline will not be considered.

GWP will not be responsible for submittals that are delinquent, lost, mismarked, sent to an address other than the address provided above, or sent by mail or courier service and not signed for by GWP.


RFP Released: August 2, 2018

Final day to submit requests for clarification: August 24, 2018 2:00 p.m. PST.

Final day to submit proposals: September 7, 2018

Landfill Gas to Energy Project


Existing Scholl Canyon Landfill Gas to Energy Project

In 1994, the City of Glendale developed a gas-to-energy project at Scholl Canyon landfill.  The project captured the naturally-occurring raw landfill gas (LFG) that results primarily from the decomposition of organic waste deposited in the landfill.  The LFG, by state and local regulatory mandate, must be controlled in such a manner as to eliminate the venting to the environment of this volatile heat trapping gas that has high methane content.  This gas is often referred to as a greenhouse gas or GHG.  The accepted control method is the combustion of the raw LFG in a flare, in an engine, or in a turbine, all of which dramatically reduce the overall toxicity and global warming impacts of methane. 

Prior to 1994, the LFG at Scholl Canyon was combusted exclusively in the permitted flares operating at the landfill, which are managed by the Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County under a Joint Powers Authority agreement with the City of Glendale.  When the gas-to-energy project was developed, the LFG was transmitted via a 5.5 mile pipeline to the Grayson Power Plant where it was blended with natural gas and used as fuel in three older, converted boilers (Units 3, 4 & 5) to generate electricity.  The flares have remained in place and are permitted and operable and act as a secondary point of delivery/control for the gas.  Over the years, the flares have been used, albeit less frequently than before, during maintenance periods, emergency shutdowns, and equipment failures at Grayson.  During the past three years, these types of occurrences have been more frequent as Unit 3 was taken out of service due to age and there have been several major repair projects on Units 4 & 5. 

In the course of compiling the Environmental Impact Report for the proposed Grayson Repowering Project, one particular study area that was included was an evaluation of air quality.  The City assessed the emissions from the proposed Grayson facility as well as from the existing facility for a comparison.  The results indicated that the emissions from the existing, older and mechanically-degraded Grayson generating units presented a higher than acceptable health risk.  The results are included in the EIR on page 9.96 (Table 9-7) and were presented in City Council meetings on February 6 and April 10, 2018.  The City promptly notified the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) of the findings and based on the findings, the City proactively implemented a risk reduction measure and transferred the combustion of the LFG to the secondary location at the landfill flare station.  The City continues to work with SCAQMD on the future handling and control of the LFG.



Initial Study Checklist


Draft EIR Public Notice


EIR Scoping Meeting PowerPoint


Environmental Impact Report


Estimated Health Impacts MEMO


SCAQM Grayson HRA Notice




RFQ EPC 2022


Click here to view the REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATION OF PROPOSERS: Engineer, Procure, Construct Contractor for the Proposed Biogas Renewable Generation Project. 

Project Schedule

      Key Project Schedule Dates  

Issued FNTP (Full Notice to Proceed) to Generator Supplier, WES (Western Energy Systems)

April 2023
Executed Contract and Issued FNTP to EPC (Engineering, Procurement, Construction) Contractor, ACCO Engineered Systems

May 2023

Engineering Design June 2023 thru March 2024
Site Mobilization

September 2023 thru December 2023


November 2023 thru January 2025

WES Bio-Gas Engine Delivery

June 2024 

Startup, TAB (Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing), and Commissioning

November 2024 thru June 2025  

Substantial Completion

June 2025 




Project Portal


Important Project Links:

1. U. S. Energy Information & Administration - EIA, Independent Statistics & Analysis. This information will be available once the project is online and data is available, approximately summer 2025.  

2. South Coast Air Quality Management District - emissions data available once project is online. 

3. Governor's Office of Emergency Services - Spill Release Reporting

4.   Scholl Fire Prevention Plan PDF

Contact Us


141 North Glendale Avenue

Glendale, California 91206

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